
Rainforest Treehouse Mural

I did this mural in an elementary/ pre-school in Zionsville, IN. This large mural was painted in two adjoining hallways in the school. It is painted to give the feel that you are walking through a tree house overlooking a rainforest canopy.

The main hallway:

Main hallway, right side:

Detail of wheel transporting contraption shown on photo above:

Close-up of center of wheel:

The main hallway, left side:

A reading tent in the tree house:

Detail of tent:

A coconut water wheel to bring water up from a river below:

Detail of water wheel:

Detail of water wheel:

A dining area for two:

Detail of grapes on the table:

Part of the back hallway - a look-out point with a wooden telescope:

Detail of telescope:

Another view of the back hallway:

A tapestry draped over the treehouse:

Detail of treehouse greenery:

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