
Rural Antiquity

Just this past week, I painted this stylized, grisaille mural in a Chicago residence. I wanted this to feel like a regionalist mural from the 1930's ala Thomas Hart Benton and Grant Wood. I stippled over the painting when it was done to lend it an aged feel.

Falcon Mural

In the same home as the "Trompe L'Oeil Greek Temple" mural, I also painted this falcon. If you look closely in the "Trompe L'Oeil Greek Temple" mural post below, you can see him perched in the lower left side of the room.

Trompe L'Oeil Greek Temple

This mural is still a work-in-progress, but I thought you would like to see it. This is a trompe l'oeil, architectural mural that I did for client who wanted their living room to be transformed into a greek temple, looking out. Parts of this mural, mainly the three arches, were done on raw canvas in my studio and then installed on-site like wallpaper. The rest (including the sky, architectural molding around the tops of the walls and ceiling edges, tapestries, and the lower doorway with a view of a Grecian countryside and ocean) was painted directly on the walls at my client's home. I will be back at this client's home in June to complete the mural, so stay tuned for updates.

Full view of the room.

Shot of the arched window on the right side of the room.

Close-up shot of the architectural detail and greenery on an arch.